CANADA NEEDS A STRONG BAN ON SINGLE-USE PLASTICS-Call on the government to act now
STOP PLASTIC POLLUTION CANADA NEEDS A STRONG BAN ON SINGLE-USE PLASTICS Call on the government to act now Canada is a disproportionately large contributor to th...
Canada confirms its support for the Global Methane Pledge and announces ambitious domestic actions to slash methane emissions
October 11, 2021 – Vancouver, British Columbia Methane is responsible for around 30 percent of the global rise in temperatures to date and half a million premat...
Ozone layer ‘rescued’ from CFC damage
A steady decline in the levels of ozone-harming CFC chemicals in the atmosphere has resumed, scientists say. This follows a recent, dangerous pause in that down...
Chantal posted an update 3 years, 3 months ago
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